Composting Facility at Johnson Canyon

Depackager Facility

The Salinas Valley is one of the most fertile locations in the world giving us the tagline “the Salad Bowl of the World”.  With almost 3.5 billion in crop value from Monterey County in 2021, agriculture dominates our economy. 

The downside of all of this produce production is waste.  If material doesn’t meet quality or health standards or doesn’t sell in time, the food goes to waste.  Due to packaging, this material typically went straight to the landfill.  Salinas Valley Recycles received a grant from CalRecycle to increase organics diversion from the landfill.  SVR purchased depackaging equipment to separate plastics and packaging from the produce to be able to  compost the material. 

Composting Facility

Atlas Organics is the composting vendor for Salinas Valley Recycles. 

At Atlas Organics, we recycle yard trimmings and food scraps and keep it out of landfills, then turn it into a valuable soil amendment to promote sustainable agriculture and landscaping. We provide a quality soil amendment product for landscapers, farmers, nurseries and home growers

AO Upcycle
Atlas future sort line
~ New sort facility to be built at Johnson Canyon ~

Purchase Compost or Mulch

Compost and mulch are available for purchase at Johnson Canyon’s Compost Facility

Residential and Bulk Sales Available!

For pricing, contact Atlas Organics: (831) 744-0033

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