Top Tips to Reduce and Reuse for Business

Businesses generate a lot of waste, some of which is unavoidable but making changes to purchasing and/or current processes can reduce volume significantly.  If the waste can’t be avoided, find ways to reuse or at least recycle the material. Remember that waste reduction is a hierarchy and its more important to avoid generating the waste than any other activity.  Check out the suggestions below to help reduce your impact.

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  • Reduce packaging. Buy your products in bulk; it reduces the large amounts of waste that come from excessive packaging. If you feel that the packaging goes a little overboard, talk to your vendors, let them know the additional costs of dealing with the waste.


  • Investigate leasing your equipment. You get to stay up to date with the latest technology, and your vendor gets to recoup their materials. It’s a win-win situation.
  • Install water filtration systems. Don’t waste time and money on water bottles. Provide plentiful and clean water from the tap. Check out how much money you could save your company here and facts about tap water here (If your business is not served by a municipal water system please check with Monterey County Environmental Health Drinking Water Protection Services about the appropriate filter for your water).
  • Print on both sides of the paper. Paper has the great advantage of being reversible. Print double side copies, print on the reverse of used pages, or use old documents for scrap paper.


  • Use reusable containers. Receiving and transporting your goods in disposable containers builds up unnecessary waste. Try more durable, reusable containers. It will cut down the administrative work of purchasing and reduce disposal costs.
  • Find a business that wants your waste. Let the SVR find another local business that can use your waste in their product.
  • Get your materials through exchange. Does anyone throw away what you need? The SVR Materials Brokering Program can help you find cheaper non-virgin sources of material that fits your needs.
  • Refill your office supplies. Purchase refillable ink cartridges, tape dispensers, pens and pencils. It’s cheaper and more eco-friendly. Don’t let office supplies bring down your bottom line. Suppliers are getting on-board with sustainable infinitives and making it easier than ever to purchase eco-friendly products. Staples offers a sustainable service for business and are ready to help. Check with your supplier and see what services they offer to help you transition to a greener business.
  • Donate durable goods to a good cause. Schools, non-profits, and charitable organizations can reuse your old furniture or appliances, and they can often find innovative ways to use other leftovers. Let your waste be a gift for someone in need.


  • Right size your recycling service and schedule a waste audit and training with SVR to ensure you are maximizing your waste diversion.
  • Not sure about what is recyclable? Use to answer your questions. Have questions about your specific business product reliability call SVR, we are always happy to help!


  • Does your business generate organic waste (material that was once alive, plant or food materials)? Do you have organics or food waste collection set up? Do you have wasted packaged product that is not currently being diverted? If so, contact us to get set up with our Compost Program.

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